Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Voodoo Doughnuts - Keeping Portland Weird

One of the tourist "must visit" spots in Portland is Voodoo Doughnuts.  Apparently the owner/owners have a wacky sense of humor (or they just know what works in their city) and they've created a whimsical selection of doughnuts that are as tasty as they are unusual.  Voodoo Doughnuts adds ingredients like peanut butter, Captain Crunch, Tang, banana chunks and bacon to their recipes.  Check out the selection using this link to their website Voodoo Doughnuts

In an effort to combat my Catholic guilt over consuming large quantities of greasy deliciousness, Jack and I decided to ride our bikes over to the doughnut shop.  Even though it ruins my hair and is certainly not my most flattering look, I always wear my bike helmet.  I'm not used to riding a bike in traffic and can be a little shaky sometimes so the bike helmet is a good option for me. 

Luckily, Portland is set up to facilitate bike commuting with wide bike lanes on many streets.  Drivers are aware of bike riders and appear to be very cautious and courteous of both walkers and riders here.

After locking our bikes up in front of the doughnut shop, Jack and I walked in to a barrage of color, smells and sounds. The shop features a big juke box and a picture of Kenny Rogers on black velvet.  It was only after placing our order and taking our tray to sit outside that we realized we had come in the wrong door, completely jumping the line that was out the door on the other side!  No one said anything about it, it's pretty laid back here.  

There were so many options to choose from, Jack and I were pretty overwhelmed.  The names were as colorful as the choices.  Should we pick the Maple Blazer Blunt?  The Old Dirty Bastard with chocolate frosting, Oreo's and peanut butter? The chocolate cake doughnut with butterfingers on top? The Tangfastic or maybe the Cock-N-Balls that has "Bite Me" written on it (really)? Maybe the Gay Bar with white frosting topped with Fruit Loops in all the colors of the rainbow? 

We finally settled on a Voodoo Doll each (raised yeast filled with raspberry jelly and a pretzel stake that can be placed in a variety of spots depending on how you want to "hex" someone), a Diablos Rex doughnut for me (chocolate cake, a vanilla pentagram, red sprinkles and chocolate chips), and a Maple Bar for Jack.  I felt a little sick after eating all of that sugar but I know that I'll be back! 

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