Friday, February 3, 2012

It seems like forever since I sat down to write about the first leg of our cross country road trip. I could say that I was just too busy experiencing New York City to sit down and write about it but, I think the truth is that I've just gotten lazy (let's say less disciplined) since I've not been working.   

We had a lot of fun in January trying to fit in all sorts of touristy activities that we had put off in the hustle and bustle of Emily's illness and the holidays. I came to really enjoy the energy of the city and felt comfortable finding my way around outside of the tourist center.  I could live in New York but it is a LOT of work just going about your daily life.  You just don't think about the logistics of walking home in the rain while juggling an umbrella and a couple of bags of groceries, and a purse until you HAVE to do it.  I can't even imagine getting small kids on the subway in a stroller or out the door to daycare on foot.  I know millions of people do it every day but it would kick your butt before you ever walked in the door to work!

Jack and I saw two Broadway shows while we were in New York and both of them were great.  I have wanted to see a theatrical production of The Lion King since it first came out about 10 years ago and it really lived up to the hype.  The costumes were truly amazing and beautiful and the singing was terrific.  Circle of Life always gets me choked up (except when Elton John sings it) and it was really powerful performed live. The audience spontaneously leaped to its' feet cheering at the end of the production.  I haven't seen that happen since I saw Rocky at the theater.  

We saw How to Succeed in Business with our friends Mardi and Cheri who were visiting and enjoyed that too.  It's a fun story set in the '60's about a young guy who wants to make it in the business world and the girl who loves him.  Again, I found myself noticing the costumes: men in starched white shirts, ties and suits and women in pastel colored dresses, nylons and some awesome heels in matching pastel colors.  Cheri, Mardi and I agreed that it's a polished, professional look but exhausting to maintain. 
Jack and I enjoyed several trips to the Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side courtesy of our membership which was a Christmas gift from Amanda and Scott.

We visited the Museum of Natural History and the Cloisters with Kate and Ben and took several long walks throughout the city with them.

We had several terrific brunches in Brooklyn with Emily and Grant and a wonderful birthday brunch celebration with all of the kids at Schiller's. 

For us, the best thing about staying in New York City was getting the opportunity to spend lots of time with our children.  Getting together for dinner (on a work night!) with Kate and Ben

or going for a walk together are some of the simple things that we don't get to enjoy very often with any of our kids.  Jack and I were really sad about leaving them and at least one of us was teary (I'm sure you can figure out who THAT was). 

This time together with our girls and guys was a wonderful gift and worth the hassle of selling our home and living out of plastic bins.  We're looking forward to heading into warm weather for a few months and working our way West to see the rest of our kids.  Next stop, Charleston, S.C.!

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