Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

I've always loved airports despite my fear of flying.  When we were young my parents would take my sister and me to spend the afternoon watching airplanes take off and land and walking around the airport people watching.  My first career goal was to be a flight attendant, back when they were still called "stewardesses".  Little girls of my generation typically had traditional career goals like nurse, teacher, Mommy, and maybe nun if they were the product of Catholic school like I was.  A flight attendant seemed like such a glamorous occupation - those snazzy uniforms! 

Somehow, along the way of life, I made the traditional choices.  While I took the safer path, spending the last 15 years in a house 1 block from the house where I was born, I never gave up my dream of being an adventurer.  (My one television addiction is House Hunters Internationa.  How do those people have the guts to chuck it all and start a B&B in South America?).  I married a great guy and we successfully blended a family of 6 terrific kids.  When they grew up and spread their wings it seemed as if everyone was having an adventure but me.  I wanted my own adventure but couldn't see how to make it happen. 

During many long walks and over MANY glasses of wine a spark of possibility grew.  Maybe we could really make it happen.  But how? We didn't want to just vacation in a place for a couple of days, we wanted to get to know it in the way that locals do.  But that takes money.  And what about jobs? The only way to make it happen would be to sell our home.  But, sell our home?  Leave our friends? My sister and her family? Not an easy thing to do. 

We talked about our dream for years (over still more glasses of wine) and called it"The Plan".  We saved and we scrimped and we shared one car when our Volkswagen Jetta died an untimely death.  We put our house up for sale in a depressed real estate market and it sold in a week.  It seemed as if the Universe was saying, "Go!" 

And now the time is here. Time to make it happen and not just talk about it.  A road trip into the unknown.  We have a few destination spots in mind (kids, are you ready?) but for the most part we're committed to being modern day hoboes, letting the road take us where we need to go.  Look for us on the road. We'll be the ones in the silver car with the little dog and the stereo cranked way up.   


  1. I love it!! I'm so excited for you guys.. and so excited to move into the house! Hopefully it gives you a little peace of mind to know that Ryan and I will take good care of the place while you're gone! :) Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures, talk to you soon!

  2. Jack and Denise, we are so happy for you. This is a dream come true . . . Not only for you, but also for those of us that are not quite ready or able to do what you are doing. I'm so happy that I can feel close to you even when you are away -- I will have to update my technical skills though -- A blog! OMG! I'm still not on Facebook yet. Happy and safe adventures. You will be in our thoughts and we will look forward to your blog (and Facebook updates). Take care and we love you. Kim, Peter, and Alex

  3. You go girl(s) (and guy)! I love your tag line: "A pessimist taking a leap of faith, a scaredy cat in search of adventure" - and still, you are DOING it. (Remember the line in "Hook?" : "YOU'RE DOING IT, PETER!!!!") So happy trails and all that - I am so proud and impressed with your guts. We are both on a journey with no clear destination! But then I found that Gilda Radner quote this week:
    "Some stories don't have a clear beginning,middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity........." -Gilda Radner

    With love from your most faithful blog follower and bestest old friend Notice I didn't say "oldest best friend" =)

  4. Life is so unpredictable - who would have guessed that you and Jack would live in a building on Central Park, NYC. I am very envious-NOT jealous.
    What a trip you two are going to have. Love ya!
