Friday, November 18, 2011

Pinch Me - I Live in New York

We made it to New York City yesterday. Driving here, Jack and I found out that we are good travel partners (although there was some completely understandable bickering when we couldn't find Dunkin Donuts for our morning coffee.) I've been to New York before but this city always takes my breath away. We're so grateful that our kids are here to help us figure it all out.  

 I did actually pinch myself when we were walking our dog Coco in the park before bed last night.  It's hard to believe that we're actually off on our adventure and that we're living across the street from Central Park.  For the next couple of months we'll be staying in the building with the pointed green roof that kind of looks like a castle on top.  The apartment doesn't face the park but the location is pretty terrific.  We took this picture from the office where our daughter Kate works, which is just a couple of blocks away. 

Unloading and unpacking was surprisingly easy since the building has a door man. Part of the doorman's job is to spin the revolving door for you as you leave and enter the building and I've had several Chip and Dale-type encounters with them, "After you" "No, I insist, after you."  It's all about timing, I guess.  Before we got here I was worried about how everything would work unloading the Joadmobile at such a swanky place but it all went smoothly.  It's kind of like staying in a snazzy extended stay hotel. The staff are there to help you and they know what to do.  I'll make sure to post pictures of the inside of the building soon.

The weather here was great yesterday and today so we spent some time walking in Central Park. Even though we looked like the dorky tourists we are, Jack and I took pictures in some of the places in the park that we've seen in movies and on television.  There were gymnasts performing, buskers singing, and an Occupy Wall Street protest going on.  Despite all of the hustle and bustle you can find lots of peaceful spots to sit and enjoy the open space.

We learned that the park is 2 1/2 miles long and 1/2 mile across with 50 miles of trails criss crossing through it.  We must have walked miles in the park before Kate and Ben took us on a walking tour of the Upper West Side and then over to the Upper East Side where Amanda and Scott live.  Clearly, we're going to have to build up our stamina because we were exhausted.  What an amazing city! 
Coco was quite a hit in the park, which is full of dogs.  One Asian tourist with a video camera filmed Coco for about 3 minutes and never made eye contact with either one of us.  We didn't mind, it just seemed so odd to us.  Of course, being from the Midwest, I talk to everyone. 

One of my goals is to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and walk in the park every day.  More about our visit soon.

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the Strawberry Fields Memorial??? I have never seen it - would so enjoy you posting a photo of the "Imagine" circle on your blog. Have fun~!!!!
