Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm Nosey

I'm nosey.  Not Gladys Kravitz nosey (if you were born after 1965 check out Bewitched on TV Land) but nosey in a good way.  At least I like to think so.  I'm nosey in the way of being interested in the back story of a person, place or thing.  That's probably why I switched my major in college from education to social work. 

One of my (our) goals on this road trip is to learn more about the places we stay than just the things you can pick up on a quick visit.  Since I like books and music I plan on reading books written in or about the area we're visiting and learning about the music, too. 

Today we're in Ohio, staying just outside of Cleveland in a little hotel off of the highway.  At check-in we were informed that tomorrow is yogurt day at the continental breakfast buffet.  Good to know.               

I had no idea that Ohio was so wooded with rolling terrain.  It's pretty here and the terrain makes me think of the early settlers clearing trees and setting up their homesteads.  We won't really be exploring Ohio this time around, just passing through.  Someday, I'd like to stop and see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but that will have to be another trip.   

I've downloaded a book about the area called Winesburg, Ohio, by Sherwood Anderson.  It's a series of connected short stories that chronicles small-town life in the Midwest.  It sounds like Olive Kittredge, which I suggested for book club last year.  Everyone in the group but me HATED the book but I really enjoyed it. 

We should be in New York City on Saturday, November 19th so look for some NYC pictures early next week.  We can't wait to see our New York City gals and guys and do some "quality family bonding".  In between sightseeing we'll have to find a Bears bar to keep up with our team!

1 comment:

  1. Just remember: It's okay to be "Gladys Kravitz" nosy... (young people, Google it - not "Lenny," but Gladys...) just don't go all "Norman Bates" nosy when you are staying at these roadside motels....cuz that would be creepy. =D
