Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Thousand Things I Want To Say to You

Last night was our last night in Portland and we spent it with our good friends, Nadine and Eric

at one of our favorite Portland hangout spots, Palace of Industry.  Located just a few blocks from Nadine and Eric's house, Palace of Industry is a wacky mix of a vintage store and a bar

and a restaurant. 

There is a DJ on Friday nights, the furniture is comfy (although these two look pretty uncomfortable - like they're on an awkward first date)

and there are lots of fun things to look at.

Jack and I have sure enjoyed spending time with our friends here and it's reminded us (as if we need reminding) of our wonderful friends and family across the country.  Like the sign on the wall says,

just not good-bye.  We wish that we could take all of you with us on our journey.   Don't forget that there is an air mattress with your name on it wherever we are.  (Pretty tempting, huh?  How can you resist such an offer?) We miss all of you and hope to see you sometime soon.  Next stop - San Francisco!

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