Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Great To Be Alive!

On Saturday, my sister Deb and I celebrated our 55th birthday.  (I hope she doesn't mind my putting our age out there into cyberspace!)  We agreed that just being around to HAVE another birthday was the greatest gift and that no matter what our aches and pains are this is the best time of our lives. 

I can't speak for Deb, but I know that in my 20's I did not appreciate what a gift life is.  (Note the cigarettes!)  I spent a lot of time thinking, "Some day...", "When I ...", then I'll be happy. 

In my 30's and 40's in between a job, and kids, and household chores I spent most of my time running from one thing to the next like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, "I'm late, I'm late!"  I was so busy trying to cross things off of my To Do list that I wasn't enjoying the "doing" only the "finishing". 

I am so grateful to be here in my 50's and to be starting another year with my sister and our family and friends.  Being a little older and a little wiser makes a big difference in how I look at life these days.  Although we aren't together physically this year, Deb and I are together in heart.  She has always been the BEST sister.  She is, by the way, the Evil Twin.  :)

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